Friday, December 14, 2007

We have a winky!!!

Yep, IT'S A BOY!!! Needless to say, we're still a little shocked! This pregnancy has been exactly the same as my pregnancy with Ainsley. I mean, sick from week 9 to 13, and again from 15 to 18, felt the baby move about the same time, gaining weight about the same, etc. Just everything has been SO similar so we weren't sure if that meant we'd have another girl, or God was pulling out that crazy sense of humor on us again. Well guys, we have a funny God!

The tech was positive it's a boy and the ultrasound was very clear. She said, "There's a winker dinker!" Ha! So, we're going to tell Ainsley tonight that Mommy is going to have a baby, it's a boy, it's coming home with us, etc. At least now we have a DVD to show her as well. She's going to be the best big sister - I can't wait! I even have bedding picked out already that I want to get! But, right now I have a lot of phone calls to make so stay tuned for more later...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yeah I am so happy for you guys!!!!!!