Monday, February 25, 2008

Almost finished.....

I stayed home today to finish some projects in the baby's room. I didn't have a lot to do, but just a few craft projects that I wanted to do...if I found the time. I had promised Ainsley, a couple of weeks ago, that she could paint a picture for baby brother's room. (She had asked back when I was painting the canvases) So, here is Ainsley at her messiest! She insisted on using her hands just like we did at Christmas....

The finished product....she ended up mixing all the colors together so it doesn't really match the room, but it's still cute. And she's VERY proud of it!
Ok, I'm kind of a "matchy" dork! (Just like my mom!) So, I glued some ribbon onto this wipes container to match the room also. When we get a name nailed down, I'll probably put his name on it too.
I couldn't find a lamp that I liked, so I improvised. I found the shade on the clearance aisle at Wal-Mart and only paid $9 for the base. (I just glued the ribbon onto the shade) here are the curtains that I hated! I used the leftover fabric from the chair cover and I just thought it made the room look too drab. It was just....well...brown! So, I took them off yesterday and sewed some ribbon onto them also. The ribbon matches pretty well (it was just some I had leftover from Ainsley's hair bows) and made the curtains look much cuter. They are double-layered suede denim, so it's very dark in the room when they're closed. An added bonus!

A close-up of the ribbon...

I still want to paint a shelf, as well as a little foot stool for Ainsley to stand on when she's "helping" me with the baby. (Right now she tries to climb on the side of the crib and changing table to see, so I think the stool will help ease my stress) But, overall, I'm finished with the major pieces of the room. It looks like a babies room now! Pictures of the entire room coming....

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