Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stats on my kids!

Ainsley: 30 pounds 8 ounces
38.5 inches

Grady: 8 pounds 3 ounces
20.25 inches

We took Grady back to the doctor today to get weighed, so I had Ainsley weighed/measured as well. Both are doing great! Ainsley finally hit 30 pounds! And Grady has gained over a pound in 2 weeks so the doctor was very pleased with his progress also. He was right in the 50th percentile for both his weight and height. I just need him to gain enough weight to wear 0-3 month clothes. I keep trying things on him and they literally fall off. I'm SO tired of the same 5 outfits.

On another note, Grady's cord fell off yesterday so he got to take his first bath today! Yeah!!! He smells SO good and I just couldn't stop kissing him! (Pictures later) I wanted to let Ainsley help me, but she was at dance and Grady was getting very tired. She got home just as I was taking him out so I was sad about that, but I know there will be plenty of time for her to "help". :)

Recovery is still going pretty slow for me. I'm almost over all of my nursing issues and starting to heal in that area, but my incision is still giving me a lot of trouble. It still starts hurting really bad if I do too much...that's getting old. I can feel some hard scarring, but I'm not sure if that's causing the pain or not. I go back to the doctor in a week and a half so I'm hoping things will be better by then. In the meantime, if I can stay off of my medication I can start driving on Thursday! What a great birthday present...freedom! :)

Daily activities are going really well around here, but Clint is doing most everything. He gets up way too early, so he takes care of Ainsley in the morning and lets me sleep in with Grady. (Which is usually close to 10:00am!) Ainsley has been great to entertain herself throughout the day and has really enjoyed doing yard work with her daddy too. Grady just sleeps all through the day and is usually awake a couple of hours in the evening. Ainsley is taking 2-3 hour naps, too, which allows Clint and I to nap in the afternoon. Then both kids are in bed by 8:00pm. Grady usually wakes up about midnight and again about 5:00am. That's it! The only real issue is that Grady is not napping well unless he's being held. Ainsley was exactly the same way as a baby too, so I was expecting it. I still try to lay him down almost every time, but he wakes up each time. So, that's an opportunity for improvement, but other than that I'd say things are going really well!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Mandy!!
beautiful babies :)

kellyk said...

he's still so teeny! becca just returned a bunch of stuff nathan has grown out of already. you're welcome to it! if you go to church on sunday nights i can send it with my sister-in-law tomorrow. i won't be back there for 2 more weeks. let me know!