Saturday, August 23, 2008

Guess who?

Ainsley was 4 months here and Grady was 3 months 3 weeks. It's obvious how much lighter Grady's eyes are than Ainsley's. They're still very blue. Ainsley came out with black eyes and they just keep getting darker! :)

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. As much as I enjoy all of the Fall activities, I really hate all the busyness. I know at some point I just need to stop putting my kids in every activity available, but it's so hard to choose which one to keep! Right now, Ainsley's in school twice a week, dance, swimming lessons, and Toddler Toes. I'm going to women's bible study, home group (which involves a lot of cleaning!) and I started back to choir this week. Then Clint has Impact on Tuesday nights and choir/praise team on Wednesday nights. It gives me a headache just thinking about it! I think I might have to cut something out. Last week I worked 2 days in addition to all of that....if you could see my house right now you'd believe it! Plus, it's getting hard on Grady. I need to be home more for him to get some decent naps in instead of cat-napping in the car. At least my soccer mom car is being put to good use!

So, this is random, but the other night Ainsley looked at Clint and said, "Daddy, can I watch the Tit-munks?" He kept asking her to say it over and over. It was so funny! Maybe it's just the age, but she also plays with the oddest toys. Yesterday she played the ENTIRE day with a little cup full of hair clips. They were all different colors so she had a daddy, a mommy, a teacher, a kitty, etc. She took them in the car and everything. She's also WAY into Peter Pan. We got her the "Return to Neverland" movie for Christmas and she's watched it probably once a week since then. But a couple of weeks ago Clint came home with the original Disney Peter Pan and, no lie, we watch it at least twice a day. It's not a bad movie at all so I really don't mind too much. She gets all of her toys and fairies in the floor and acts out the movie with them. Then when it's over, she makes up new stories about Peter Pan's adventures. As a result, everything, including her sandwich, can fly with a happy thought and a little pixie dust! She even lays in the floor and tells Grady that he can be a "lost boy" when he grows up. :)

Grady is still growing like a weed! As of last week, he's officially in 3-6 months and just yesterday we moved up to size 2 diapers. He's rolling over from his tummy to his back, and from his back to his side, but that's as far as he gets. I think Ainsley was probably rolling much more at this point, but then again she had much more opportunity. I don't put Grady in the floor much because he might get squished! Yesterday I left the room for 2 minutes and when I came back he was wearing a cinderella hat and chewing on a barbie dress! I will be SO surprised if he doesn't get some teeth real soon! It still amazes me how much the kids are alike too. They both LOVE to cuddle and sleep best when they're next to me. Grady even likes to play with my fingernails to go to sleep just like Ainsley did. Oh - we finally got a video monitor too and I LOVE IT! I'm a little addicted to it though. With any little noise at night, I find myself watching it. It was supposed to help me sleep. Ha!

I'll close with a little video of Ainsley's first tap lesson. She was as graceful as a 3-year-old can be!


Cole Family said...

WOW...those Bean babies look just alike! I LOVE Ainsley's tap video...she is SO cute and I cannot wait to get Ariel in dance now!

Becca said...

She looks precious dancing! We have watched the video about ten times (literally) now back-to-back, Kyla's request, she keeps wanting to wath Ainsley dance :)

Becca said...

She looks precious dancing! We have watched the video about ten times (literally) now back-to-back, Kyla's request, she keeps wanting to wath Ainsley dance :)

The Jones Family said...

She did such a good job! I can't wait to see this recital!

amywelborn said...

Cute video! And I agree, video monitors are the BEST! I turn the volume all the way down on mine though...I was like you at every little sound...those things are sensitive and pick up everything!