When I comb Ainsley's hair after her bath, she usually wants to comb mine too, but tonight she took it to a higher level...
Ainsley: "Momma, I'm a hair cutter, ok?"
Me: "Ok."
Ainsley: "You want long or short?"
Me: "How about short?"
Ainsley: "No, you want long with yalers."
**She uses the tail of my rat tail comb to part my hair and proceeds to "cut" it. Then she "dips " the tail into the lotion lid.
Ainsley: "This is my paint. You want to change colors like the leaves?"
Me: "Sure, that will be pretty."
Ainsley: "Ok, can we go to Wal-Mart to get some silver paper?" (Foil for you color-illiterates out there)
Ha! It has been at least a month since I've colored anyone's hair, but she was doing everything exactly like I do. I never even thought she watched me at all. So, this sparked a conversation about careers. We talked about what daddy did at work. I just said he helps the people that work on the computers. :) Then I pretended to be a dentist so I could get her teeth extra clean. So, I asked Ainsley what she wanted to do when she grew up. Her answer...
"I'm going to sing, but not very loud, and dance just a little bit." :) Such a silly girl!
Grady had a fever a couple of days last week so I took him to the doctor on Friday...his first ear infection. He's on amoxicillan (sp?) which is staining all of his shirts and bibs bright pink...fun. With his fever, he was such a sleepy baby. So, I was putting him to bed between 4:30 and 5:00pm every day. He'd easily sleep until 5:00am the next morning before he'd wake up to eat. I guess he got used to sleeping 12 hour stretches because the last couple of days he's been going to bed about 6:30pm and sleeping until 7am. What a good baby! Oh, and he's been spitting his pacifier out to go to sleep too! If it's in his mouth he just plays with it, but when he's ready to go to sleep I see him spit it out, roll over, and close his eyes. (I'm SO addicted to the video monitor!)
I have a few new pictures up from Toddler Toes if you'd like to take a look!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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