Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Shrimp?

Grady's 9 Month Appointment:

Weight: 18 lbs 5 ounces -- 10%
Height: 28 1/2 inches -- 50%
**Head was still 75th %! :)

When Grady was born I thought he was such a chunk! Ainsley never had a single roll or dimple on her body...anywhere....ever! So, I have laughed and laughed at the little dimples on Grady's bottom and rolls around his knees. I knew he was losing a lot of that, but I didn't realize just how much he had lost until his appointment. He was only in the 10th percentile for his weight! The doctor was not concerned at all since he recently started scooting around though. I just can't believe how much his little body looks like Ainsley's now. Another long, slender string Bean!

He is getting around super fast these days! Still just army crawling, but he occasionally gets up on all fours and tries to move. He usually only moves one leg and then plops back down on his tummy, but he LOVES to stand up. If he's ever fussing, all I have to do is stand him up and let him walk around. Silly boy. He also loves to mimic us and play games with us. He gets REALLY excited to see his sister too. I can sit him in the toy room with Ainsley and go cook dinner or do some laundry. How great is that??!! The only problem is, he doesn't play well alone. He always wants someone playing with him, so I don't get much done on the days Ainsley is at school.

Speaking of Bean Sprout #1, that girl is growing! I put her pink dance pants (guachos) on her last night. A year ago they looked funny because they came all the way down to her feet, but now they come just below her knees! She must have grown 4 inches or more. She still hasn't really gained any weight in several months, but that's not really her style. :) We play LOTS of Polly Pockets. I mean ALL DAY LONG. She's not allowed to bring any clothes or shoes for Polly out of her bedroom, but she can bring the dolls out. She loves to give a couple of dolls to Grady and she calls him the prince. It's so cute to watch her get them dressed in their jammies to go to bed and dressed in their princess dresses to go to the ball and then their swimsuits to go to the beach! She's so funny! On a sidenote, I think Grady ate a Polly Pocket shoe yesterday....

I have a cute video of Ainsley playing "Hide and Go Seek" with Grady. Or at least she thought she was! He found her, though. I'll try to get that uploaded tonight because I don't know how to use my new iMovie very well. Until then, you can check out all the new pictures on flickr!

I also had a great time with many of you at Girl's Night Out last week! Next time I hope to get to visit with everyone!