Monday, August 4, 2008

First Day of School

First of all, isn't this the cutest little boy you've ever seen? :)

Ainsley had her first day of school today! She's going to a pre-pre-K program 2 days a week. She was very excited about her new school! There were a lot of changes this year because they moved to a new facility. One of the changes was that they no longer provide a hot meal so we had to pack a lunch. Ainsley thought that was especially cool!

Ainsley with her teacher, Mrs. Loretta. She looks scared here, but I promise she wasn't. She loves school and threw a huge fit when I picked her up because she didn't want to go home! She really loves Mrs. "Loweda" too!

That kid has really been cracking us up lately! First, Grady was in the bouncy seat in the bedroom. When I turned around, he had 3 naked Barbie dolls laying with him. So, I sat them to the side and transferred him to the swing in the kitchen. A few minutes later Ainsley comes running in screaming, "No, no, no! No ma'am! You say sorry!" I had NO clue what she was talking about until she came running back into the kitchen and placed all 3 naked Barbies back in the swing with Grady. (That poor little boy!) She never let up until I said I was sorry and insisted that "Gwady wants his Barbies!"

Then she decided she'd set the table tonight. Just out of the blue, she went to the pantry and got a handful of napkins. She said, "I just got us 3 napkins for Ainsley, Mommy, and Daddy. Ok?" Then she says, "Forks, Mommy?" I tell her that yes, we need forks, so she got plastic forks and laid them on the napkins at each place setting. She even tried to cut up my food for me! It was so sweet!

She always has some wild prayers, but tonight was just ridiculous. "Thank you God and Jesus..." (She's started that on her own...maybe starting to understand the trinity?) "...for my family and for lots of Never Land, and my heart, and thank you for my best friend Peter Pan, and for pixie dust! Amen!"

1 comment:

Becca said...

She looks sooo grown-up with her backpack & lunchbox!! Glad she had a great first day!