Thursday, March 6, 2008

Catch-up Post - Birthday and Babies!

I was working in the baby's closet one day and pulled the Boppy out. Ainsley immediately went running to find her baby (she calls him Grady) and crawled up in the chair to feed him. It was really cute. When he was finished with the bottle, she covered him up (face and all) and rocked him to sleep. That's when I got in trouble for talking (instead of whispering) and making too much noise in the closet. I had to wait until the baby woke up! :)

We've been trying to stay home more lately, since we have activities 5 days of the week and it's starting to really wear on me! This day we stayed in our jammies all day, but I got cold and put a sweatshirt and my house shoes on. So, Ainsley needed clothes just like Mommy's clothes. These little house shoe/boot things are funny. I got them at a garage sale, but Ainsley really likes them! I took a picture because she looked funny with her pink zebra pants on! :)
Sunday was Clint's 30th birthday, but since Sunday's are such a wash with church and home group, we celebrated on Saturday. He had to work in the morning, so we met him at Sam's club to pick up a couple of things and eat some Sam's pizza. While there, we saw some friends of ours (that we've known since college) so we all had lunch together while the kids played. It was fun. Then we went to the park, something Clint rarely gets to do with Ainsley, and played on the playground. Clint took Ainsley down to the lake and they even saw a turtle! :)

Our plan was to go fishing that afternoon, but since Clint was napping while Ainsley was napping, we were all in a pretty lazy mood. So, we ended up staying here and playing in the backyard. I painted and Clint hosed off some of the baby equipment from the attic while Ainsley played in the sand box. It was a very nice day to sit outside and do nothing! Ainsley helped me cook Daddy's birthday dinner (he requested pancakes, sausage, and eggs) and the dessert he had requested as well. We made brownies with chocolate caramel ice cream, dulce du leche topping, and almond slices. Ainsley didn't like it that we were putting the candle in the ice cream instead of the cake, but she gave in once I explained what a "sundae" was...
(And if you're wondering, he did get a real celebration with "the guys" Monday night too!)
The couple that was assigned to watch the kids during home group Sunday night had a sick child, so Clint and I ended up watching the kids. Halfway through the night we looked down and noticed that her left eye was almost swollen shut on one side! We assumed she got hit since she was playing with all boys and seems to get picked on a lot for whatever reason. But as time went on, her right eye started swelling also. One of the kids had been playing outside with some cats and such that afternoon, so maybe it rubbed off on Ainsley. I had also been rocking the baby earlier and then held Ainsley on the same side of my shirt, so it could have been the laundry detergent they use too. (Ainsley is allergic to most laundry detergents) Who knows? This picture was taken after Benadryl so the swelling had already gone down....
We all stripped down as soon as we got home and washed the clothes. I put Ainsley in the tub right away and even fed her dinner in the bathtub! :) But she still woke up the next morning and the other eye was swollen quite a bit. I ran all over town the next morning trying to get her into a doctor, but no one had any openings. I finally talked to a nurse who told me what to watch for (hives, breathing, etc.) and advised to stay on Benadryl another 24 hours. By the following day it was gone! She has such sensitive skin and allergies....we just never know with her!

I have been cleaning up all of the baby toys, swings, bouncy seats, etc. this week. Ainsley insisted on sitting in "baby brother's" chair. Here she is at 2 years and 9 months old...29 pounds...
And again at 4 weeks old....almost 6 pounds..... :)
You saw the picture of Ainsley with the boppy earlier? Well, she thinks the boppy is hers now. Every time I put it up, she runs and gets it and says she needs to rock her baby. So, I found a great buy at the consignment sale last night! It's a tummy time boppy, but it's just Ainsley's size. She LOVES it! She's been rocking all of her babies...bears and lambs included. It's so cute! And it can be her pillow to hold the baby when he comes too. I also got a toy Graco baby carrier that looks almost just like our real one. It was only $2. I gave it to her this morning and the baby had to get all dressed up and go to swimming lessons with us. He even fell asleep in his carrier once in the car, so there was a period of time where I couldn't talk and had to "turn music down" so the baby could sleep. :) I'm encouraging that all I can! I love it that she wants everyone to be quiet during naptime! How easy is that going to make it for me!??!!
After swimming lessons, Ainsley pulled out this doodle pad in her toy box in the car. She was tracing her hand, so when we got home she decided to trace Benji's hands too. Look at his pathetic little face. He's the best dog ever!

So, speaking of swimming lessons, we only have 1 more week and boy am I glad! The only swimsuit I had left that fit (yes, I've outgrown maternity suits already) is now too little. It won't cover my belly and floats up in the water to expose my entire stomach! Plus, we have to throw the kids up and lift them out of the pool and stuff. It's just getting really hard! I'm in so much pain this afternoon that I can barely walk. I'm sure some of it was from standing for 2 hours and fighting 50 other pregnant women at the consignment sale, but swimming lessons was definitely hard this morning. I did get permission to put Ainsley in the 3 year old class for the next session, even though she should be in the Mommy and Me class for 1 more session. She's been in lessons since she was 10 months old with the same instructor, so she was confident Ainsley would do great. There are no mommies in this class (yeah!) and the kids do a lot of things on their own. I think Ainsley will love it!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and lots of question for my doctor about how difficult this pregnancy has suddenly gotten, so I'm looking forward to the appointment. And Ainsley, for some reason, has been asking to go to school all week, so she's going to be super excited that it's Friday! Saturday is my niece's first birthday party's been a fast year!

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