Monday, March 31, 2008

Grady's Ready!

Ok, somebody stop me! I just can't stop decorating! I don't know what it is, but I just feel like I need to be working on a project at all times. And since the baby is all I can think about right now, all of my projects revolve around him. You know those crazy crib quilts that come with baby bedding? I've never really understood why. In Ainsley's room I just hung hers over the rocking chair, but after working so hard on my chair cover, I didn't want to cover anything up in Grady's room! So, I thought I'd get some quilt clips. Well, those are really expensive and not real cheap to make either. So, I bought some wooden star hooks at Hobby Lobby for $.50 each and painted them blue. Then I just hooked some ribbon onto the corners of the quilt and whala! Wall decoration! :)

It adds a little whimsy to that wall, so I like the way it looks. Plus, it only cost me a dollar and gave me a good place to store the quilt!

Here's how Grady balls up every time I sit down. He immediately goes to my left side and pokes his little hiney out. Then he almost stretches sideways because the right side pokes out too, but way over under my arm almost. It always looks so deformed belly and all. It's a little hard to see here because I was sitting on the bed and the comforter has a swirly background, but you get the idea...
My ticker says 24 days left, which I guess is more like 23 now. I really think we're ready! I mean, there are a million things I could still think of, but if we had a baby today I think I'd be ok and not have to rush out to the store. Tonight, Ainsley was playing with her rubber duckies in the bathtub. (I usually don't let her play with things that can hold water...yucky!) One was a doctor and one was a princess. The princes duck's chest kind of stuck out, so Ainsley told me she had a baby in her tummy. She laid the duckie down and told her to push, then the doctor said, "Oh! Here's your baby!" Ha! She played the rest of the time with the imaginary baby and then told me his name was Grady. I think she's ready too!

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