Friday, March 21, 2008

Going to Mommy's Doctor!

We had such a fun day today. I had a doctor's appointment, as usual on a Friday, but Ainsley is usually in school. Since it's Spring Break, I decided to take her with me. I have never taken her before because my doctor's office has a policy that children under the age of 6 are not allowed in the office. This is to keep the expectant moms and newborns in the office from getting all the little toddler germs. :) A policy that I much appreciated when I was pregnant the first time, but now that I have a child it's a policy that I have grown to despise!

Anyway, I decided to just take her and see what they said. It turns out it really wasn't a big deal. Especially since it was almost closing time and we were the only people in the waiting room. Ainsley was SO cute. While we were waiting, she danced for all the older ladies of the office and touched every one of their shiny rings. This, of course, scored her some nice Little Mermaid stickers! Then when my doctor came in, she sat patiently as I had told her and colored in her book while the doctor and I talked. I had explained ahead of time that the chair was going to make into a bed so when it started moving she got very excited. Dr. Reiter asked her, "Ainsley, what's in Mommy's tummy?" And she said, "My baby Grady!" It was very cute. As we listened to the heartbeat I asked Ainsley if she could hear Grady. She said, "Her goes boom, boom...boom, boom!" (Still working on the "he vs. her" thing) She was very talkative and even scored a sucker from the doctor. The kid thought Mommy's doctor was a carnival! Ha!

I'm very glad I took her because this was my last regular appointment. I have one more in 2 weeks to check me and do the Strep B test and that's it! Nothing else until I go to the hospital. After the doctor we went to Target and bought the last couple of things we needed for the baby. Ainsley also picked out 2 shirts (I was needing t-shirts for her) and she got an Ariel t-shirt and a Tinkerbell t-shirt. At some point, I swore I'd never put my child in character clothing, but here I am! She was so good and had so much fun shopping for Grady. (This is something I usually do on Friday's while she's at school too) Then she got an icee and we stopped at McDonald's on the way home too. She took a 3 hour nap when we got home and then we played outside for a while. I'm so glad she's so good in public...I'm such a stress ball and control freak that I just don't think I could handle anything else. I know, I know...I just jinxed myself and now I'm going to have a wild little boy! :)

By the way, I'm still measuring right on track and gaining about a pound a week right now, so the doctor thinks I'll have a 6-7 pound baby. I just want a baby bigger than Ainsley was! But I do have all the preemie clothes washed up just in case...

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