Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nursing Room Update

Since I complained about the men in the nursing room last week I have had so many different people tell me the same thing has happened to them. Ok, was I out of line to say something? Maybe I just gripe too much, but the preschool director said I was the first person to bring this to her attention. She had no idea this was going on. Anyway, there were signs posted this week. The outside door said, "WOMEN ONLY" and the inside door said something about "Out of respect for our nursing mothers......" It was worded really well and there were absolutely no men in sight! :) I hope it stays that way!

Grady will be 8 weeks old tomorrow. Ainsley was 8 weeks the first time I put her in the nursery at church. Every time I walk through the children's area people ask me when I'm going to leave Grady. I just don't think I'm ready to yet. Is that silly? I always wished I could have kept Ainsley with me a little longer, but in the old building there was no foyer. You were either in the building or you were outside. So if she started to fuss a little bit, I had to leave. I just felt like she was too much of a distraction to others trying to hear the sermon so I put her in childcare. Grady is much more content in church, though. I put him straight in the carrier and he stays asleep all the way to church and at least through the worship time. At some point during the sermon he usually wakes up and is starving since it's been usually 4 or 5 hours since his last feeding. So, I just take him to the nursing room and finish the rest of the sermon. And about half of the time he falls asleep and I can go back out and sit in the worship center while he naps. It just seems so easy! I'm trying not to feel the pressure to put him in childcare like I did with Ainsley. As long as I'm able to keep him with me and get something out of the sermon without Grady being a distraction to others, why put him in childcare where I'll just worry the whole time that he's not sleeping or he's hungry (since he won't take a bottle right now)? I'd probably be worrying about him and not listening to Pastor.

Ok, off of church and onto other things..... I took the stroller for a test drive yesterday. I decided to walk up to the new elementary school and let Ainsley play on the playground. I knew it was a good walk (just over a mile one way) but I didn't realize it was all up hill...nor did I realize how much weight I'd be pushing! 30 pounds of stroller + 30 pounds of toddler + 20 pounds of baby/carrier = a very tired momma! My arms were killing me and it was very humid, but Ainsley had a blast and Grady slept right through it all. (At least until the stroller stopped moving) I was easily able to steer with just 1 hand, though, and Ainsley seemed to really like the ride. I really think I'm going to like it a lot! Right now I still have the second seat on for Ainsley, but when we take it shopping or something I'll convert it to a Sit 'n Stand and see how she likes that. She's always been a good kid to sit in the stroller, though.

Well, I'm exhausted so I should really take advantage of my time and go to bed! I've been a little sick and Clint's also been working some late nights (like I'm in bed when he gets home) so I've had to deal with bath/bedtime routines with both kids. Not an easy task....tonight I nursed Grady while reading Peter Pan in Ainsley's bed! At least pottying is going really well. All I have to do now is help her pull her pants back up. She's going "All my byself!" every time and it's great! She just waddles in to find me with her panties around her ankles. Of course, she still finds a way of pooping and calling out for a "wipe" just as I start to feed Grady. We need to establish a poop schedule, I think. I'll add that to the list. :)


Unknown said...

I can't believe she said no one had told her!!!!! I did at least two or three times!!
Oh well. at least it is fixed.

Becca said...

How weird, I seriously was in there every single week until the past few, and never saw a man.....women hanging out with older kids, but no men.