Friday, June 13, 2008



Ok, I need better comparison pictures, but don't my kids look a lot alike? I had a picture of Ainsley pulled up earlier (in pink) and Clint actually thought it was Grady! The funny thing is, I have to compare Grady's 6 week pictures to Ainsley's 10 week pictures because she was so much smaller than him. They sleep just alike too...

Funny that they both have thermal blankets, in the same chair, and I might even be wearing the same shirt! I couldn't have done better if I'd staged it!

Things have been pretty crazy around here, but we're adjusting. Grady has turned into quite the fussy little thing. He's just not ever happy unless he's being held...and sometimes that doesn't help. The only way I can get him to nap is to hold him. Luckily, he doesn't mind if I'm walking around and doing things too much, but the minute his head hits the bed he wakes up! So, I am getting very little done. I've been letting him fuss some and he's starting to learn to self-soothe a little bit, so I see a light at the end of the tunnel! He's still doing great at night. I don't know why he goes right down in his bed at night, but won't during the day. Who knows?

Ainsley is doing fabulous! She kisses that little boy all the time! And her new name for him is "Big Man." Weird, huh? I guess she's heard me call him "Little Man" before. She also calls him Sweetie a lot too. Anytime he starts crying she goes running to him and says, "It's alright...your big sister is here!" It's so cute! She loves to dance for him when he fusses and help give him baths. She tells me to be quiet when he's sleeping and is always more than happy to share anything with him....from Mommy to chocolate. (Yeah, she got two M&M's one day after pottying and she wanted to give one of them to Grady. How sweet is that!??!) Her biggest achievement lately has been on the potty! She's completely potty trained now. She wears nothing but panties (day & night) and even goes all by herself. About half of the time she'll just disappear and go potty. The only way I even know she's gone is that I hear the toilet flush! I'm SO proud of her!

Well, hats off to all of you who continued to blog every couple of days after your babies were born. I have NO idea how you did it! I can barely find time to potty, much less shower or even blog! So, sorry for the hiatus...hopefully it will get better soon! Oh, and my stroller came in yesterday! I'm pumped! I took some pictures of the kids in it today (we rode in the living room since it was raining) so I'll try to post those soon. Wish me luck!

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