Monday, December 3, 2007

Catching Up...

I know, I's been a long time. (I have kept flickr updated though.) To be honest, I'm not sure why I was so busy last month, but it was absolutely crazy! For one, we potty-trained Ainsley. We also traveled back home for Thanksgiving, went to a couple of different Christmas lightings, play groups, bunco, connection group, choir, dance, swimming lessons, Mother's Day Out, etc. It just takes up a lot of time, I guess. Ainsley has actually started associating the day of the week with her activity. For instance, I can say, "It's Friday. Do you know what we do on Fridays?", and she'll say, "I go skoo with Miss Sacey!" We have such a routine at our house, but I honestly could not live any other way. I'm a very organized, routine type of person. I have VERY little spontaneity in my body! And Ainsley does really well on a schedule. When we travel and she has to be a little more flexible she gets so cranky!

So, here's what our schedule usually looks like. On Mondays we try to do our Wal-Mart shopping and maybe an errand or two. (Ainsley doesn't wake up until about 8, naptime is 12:30 or 1pm, and she usually sleeps until about 3 or 4, so we don't do much in the afternoons.) Then I have to make sure I cook enough for dinner on Tuesday also. Tuesday mornings are usually just cleaning, laundry days while I'm not in bible study at church. Then after nap we practice Ainsley's dance routine, eat our leftovers from the day before, and head off to dance. We cross paths with Daddy for about 10 minutes and get home about 30 minutes before bathtime, so there's not much of an evening, but our mornings are very relaxed. Wednesdays are usually play date mornings with different friends of Ainsley's or sometimes even the park, then choir in the evenings. Thursdays are swimming lessons which take up most of the morning, and on Fridays Ainsley goes to school! Here is a picture of Ainsley and her favorite teacher, Miss Stacey. Ainsley begs to see Miss Stacey throughout the week. She's crazy - super hyper and silly - the kids just love her! (This was taken on Friday when Ainsley didn't take a nap at school....she was so tired!)

That's our week. But the last couple of weeks have been even busier with Christmas Dinner Theatre practices in the evenings. The production starts tonight through Wednesday night. I'm so glad it's finally here and will be over soon. Since we're both in choir, we have to drag Ainsley with us all the time, keeping her at church until 9:00pm some evenings. The poor baby is just worn out, so she's staying with a friend tonight for a change of pace. Hopefully it will give her a little time to rest, but I know she's going to miss her friends at church. Here lately, she's been adding Jessie and Rex to her prayers at night! :)

Here are some of the girls from our dress rehearsal last night. This was taken during the second run-through of the entire production so we were all a little tired.

(Left to Right) Leah (pregnant), Mandy (pregnant), Shannon (pregnant), Andrea (very pregnant), and Katie (who didn't get the baby memo). I think it's funny how you can tell how pregnant we all are by how many buttons we have buttoned on our jacket. Notice I only have 1 buttoned and Andrea is way past the point of buttoning now! :) Katie has all of hers buttoned!

So, here's a little bit of random information. Ainsley has become SO imaginative lately. She's always had a very active imagination and very rarely ever enjoyed playing with the loud, noisy toys with lights and stuff, but it' really come out more lately. For example, she likes to play Diego all the time. She'll put Lily (her Build-A-Bear bear) on the couch and say "Ayudame`!" which means "help". Then she'll look through her camera "Click" to zoom in and see who is asking for help. It just continues from there, acting out an entire episode, singing the songs and all. She also started doing some other random role playing by herself. The other day we were watching Max and Ruby on PBS and she said, "Momma, I Max and you Ruby! Now, say 'No, Max, no!'" She does the same with Blue's Clues and others. This is by far her favorite activity next to playing house.

On a similar note, she's started adding things to her prayers that don't make much sense. Saturday night she said....
"Tank ew Jesus for Momma and Daddy....
and BENJI!...(our dog)
and Mimi and Bapa...
and BENJI!...
and my fweends, Wheell, and Dessie, and WEX!..
and my bicycle...(we don't even have a bicycle)
and my oder bicycle...
and my tummy...
I wuv ew Jesus, AMEN!"
Ha! Ok, I have no idea where this stuff is coming from. Maybe watching the kids on the street ride their bikes? We don't have bicycles in any books that I know of. Hmm.... She also thanks Jesus for her tummy some...I think it's because she thinks there is a baby in her tummy. We still haven't officially told her I'm pregnant, but she already things everyone has a baby in their tummy. Why wouldn't she? All of her friends' Mommy's have babies in their tummies. :) We're going to sit her down and explain things when we find out the sex. My doctor has had me wait until 21 weeks...just a week and a half!

Ok, it's been so long I could keep going and going, but I need to actually get out of bed this morning! I promise I'll try to do better this month guys!

1 comment:

kellyk said...

that is so cute she prays for wex!:-) i love it. this age can be so cute[also so infuriating, but mostly cute]. you look so precious pregnant!! i can't wait to find out the sex. that part is so exciting. at 21 weeks you should get some great pictures! i didn't know leah was pregnant! man, a baby boom!