Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lots of Friends!

We had a very busy week this week. The Dinner Theater production at our church started on Monday. So Sunday night was our last dress rehearsal and several of our props had been thrown around so many times that they were starting to fall apart. So, my friend Katie, who had made most of these props, had to run up to the church to make some "repairs". And we got to watch Ariel!

The girls play SO well together. Ainsley has loved Ariel since she was born and just can't get enough of her. I'm always surprised at how good Ainsley is to share with the little ones. She's not as good with the kids her own age, but she just lives to make the babies happy! Here she is making Ariel laugh at breakfast...

Once again, such a good sharer. This is her favorite chair and very few people are allowed to sit here. Not only did she let Ariel sit here, but she moved over to make room! They watched cartoons like this for a while...
Lexi is Ainsley's other favorite baby! She was born 6 weeks premature and weighed the exact same amount when she came home as Ainsley did when she came home. So, the girls have been very similar in their sleeping/eating habits. It's hard coming home with a 4 pound baby that doesn't sleep and even harder to find someone to watch her that won't pull their hair out before the day is up! But Lexi is so similar to how Ainsley was as a baby that I don't know any different. So, we watch her occasionally when she can't go to her MDO program. She came over Wednesday while her Mommy went to work. Ainsley was SO excited!

You know how I said Ainsley likes to share with the little ones? Well, Ainsley is 2 and very addicted to stickers. Last Sunday she had a sticker on her hand after Sunday School. (It was a penny....kind of weird sticker to get at church, huh?) We were playing with Lexi out in the gatheria before we left and I looked down to see Ainsley taking the sticker off of her hand and putting it on Lexi's hand. I was SHOCKED! She screams when we take her stickers off for bathtime, so that really showed how much she loves Lexi. She loved to help change Lexi and sit with me while we rocked her. At one point, I was trying to get Lexi to sleep and she was crying, so Ainsley came running into the room with a burp cloth over her shoulder, a paci in one hand, and a bottle in the other hand. She just whispered, "Baby Wexali hungwy?" It was so cute! She's going to be the best little helper! Here she is feeding Lexi...just for the picture. :)
Wal-Mart was doing free pictures with Santa yesterday, so I put Ainsley's red shirt on so we could get her picture taken. (I had already taken her to the promenade, but since she was scared of Santa, I wasn't about to PAY for a picture of her crying!) So, I got the camera out and told her I wanted a picture of her before we left and she quickly posed in front of the tree...and so did Benji! She never let go of this's even in the professional picture with Santa. (I'll try to scan that one in later)

I stopped at a garage sale on the way home from Wal-Mart because Clint was at work and we had nothing better to do. It turns out, I had met the girl who lived there at a party recently. She had some really great things, but way too pricey. But, as I was leaving I saw these Johnston & Murphy shoes in Clint's size for only $5!!! They just needed polished, but looked brand new! Clint loves Johnston & Murphy so he was very excited. I just wish I would have waited and given them to him for Christmas. Of course, Ainsley had to help "poweesh" the shoes...
This weekend was date weekend. We do this now and then with our friends Caleb and Leah. They watched Ainsley Friday night while we went out, so we watched Will last night while they went out. It works out great since we save SO much money for a babysitter. We just keep the kids at our own house for dinner, bathtime, etc. and take them home for bedtime. We decided to take the kids to the Gentry Christmas parade last night. There are many more pictures on flickr if you care to take a look...
Clean kids...they had so much fun together!
Clint took Ainsley to church today because I got sick last night. I was up for about 5 hours trying not to throw up! Then just as I would start feeling better, the baby would wake up and start moving around and kicking, which just made me more nauseous! It was awful! Now my throat hurts like crazy and I'm all stopped up. I was supposed to work in the nursery today too, but my morning in bed has been much more relaxing. :) I just hope it goes away quick because I have a ton to do before our group Christmas party Saturday. So, now I'm just praying that Clint and Ainsley don't get it...I really can't afford to have a sick family too!


kellyk said...

totally wish i'd known you cut hair!! ugh. these dumb bangs. they are always in my eyes! i will take you up on that next time for real. esp since wex and ainsley are apparently such good buds! haha

i used to get nauseous when my babies moved around too. yuck! hope you get to feeling better fast, and that no one else gets sick!

Rachel said...

Hope youare feeling better. Post pictures of your tummy. I haven't seen you in forever :(

Anonymous said...

The blog is awesome. Lexi and Ainsley and too cut. You are going to have to help me sometime.