Sunday, December 30, 2007

Silly Little Girl

When Ainsley was born we had SO many people tell us, "Enjoy it while it lasts because they grow up so quickly!" Well, I remember thinking to myself that I'd do anything just to get her to the "sleeping through the night" stage. Now I look back and can't believe I ever wanted her to grow up so fast! She has become such a big girl!

For example, tonight I asked her if she could see something out the car window. A few months ago she would have said, "Uh huh" or even just shake her head, but tonight she said, "Yes, I see it, Momma! It's pretty!" I have NO idea why this got to me, but just realizing how different our conversations are now made me see how grown up she has become. So, here are a few of the cute things she's been doing lately....just so I don't forget how little and silly she really is!

* A couple of nights ago, she said, "Come here, sit down Momma!" This is something we hear every few minutes at our house so after avoiding it several times I thought I'd better oblige. She had me lean over so I was on my hands and knees and then she crawled under me and started fake-snoring! When I asked her what she was doing she said, "I made a house! Night night baby brother!" And then she rubbed and kissed my tummy! :)

* Clint had found this website where you can look up just about any TV theme song you can think of. He had his laptop in the bathroom during bathtime and we were trying to stump each other. Ainsley wanted to play so Clint played Dora, Diego, Wiggles, etc. and she guessed every one in just the first few notes! So, anyway, she decided to make up her own game. She would say a name and then tell us "how they go":
Benji - "She howled and said, "Ruff ruff!"
Mimi - "A song, a song! Do you ears are low, can you throw your shoulder?"
Bapa - She attempted at an elephant noise and spit all over everything!
Daddy - She put her hands up to her mouth and made a pootie sound! Ha!
Will - "Dada!" She thinks this is how Will goes because he likes to hear his echo and says this quite a bit. :)
Caleb (Will's Daddy) - She put her finger in her mouth and pulled it out to make a pop noise. He actually does this quite often!
Mommy - "I so proud of you, Sweetie!" (Yeah, I almost cried!)

* I've been asked a lot lately if Ainsley is excited about having a baby brother. Well, I'm not sure how much she understands, but she does love to play with him! She'll come up to my tummy and carefully make a cup with her hands to hold baby brother. Then she'll sit him down and come back to take a blanket out of my belly button. Then a bottle, a paci, etc. Yep, it's all stored in there! Sometimes she even changes his diaper before she puts him back in to go night-night. So, does she know a real baby is coming out of there? I really don't think so!

* The one thing Ainsley does the most these days is play pretend house. I'm not exaggerating when I say this goes on every few minutes! One day she had a Mommy, Daddy, and Baby pickle on her plate! They fed each other, took naps, etc. She loves to play with our spare toothbrushes too. (No, I don't think they're spares anymore!) There is a pink one (Mommy), blue one (Daddy), and a green one (baby). She will carry these around for hours and make up funny little voices for them. She does play house with normal things like dolls too, but anything in this house (including pieces of string found in the carpet) can be great entertainment!

* She is SO in to Barbie dolls right now. Back in the Fall I got a bag full of Barbies at a free garage sale. From that day forward, I think she was in love. The kid LOVES Barbies! She has 2 in the bathtub (mermaids) that are the only 2 toys she plays with and we ALWAYS have one in the car with us. The weird thing is that she treats them like babies. Clint thinks it's really weird that she rocks and feeds dolls with breasts, though! She got a Barbie car for Christmas which is now the only way they can transfer from room to room, but the funny thing is that she makes them put their seat belts on and close the door themselves. Meaning, she gets their little plastic hand and "helps" them close the door and such. It's really cute!

* One of Ainsley's favorite shows is Diego. She probably likes him more than Dora. Well, Diego helps animals that are in trouble and they have to say, "Help!" So, now anytime Ainsley needs help with something she says, "Ayudame, I'm in twouble, Momma!" It's usually just that she can't get her shoe on, or needs help washing her hands, but she thinks she has to say that she's in trouble for me to come "rescue" her!

* For a while now Ainsley has had a very strange infatuation with boobies. Yep, you read it right! It's not anything real weird, she just likes to point them out when she sees them....even in public. I think it started after seeing my sister nurse one time. Anyway, I picked her up from MDO one day and her substitute that day (my good friend Leigh) had written that she wanted to see me on Ainsley's report card. When I walked in she couldn't stop laughing! Leigh said that she had a zip-up hoodie on (over a t-shirt) and Ainsley was playing with the zipper when she said, "What's that?" Well, Leigh didn't know what to say so she just ignored her. (Bad idea when dealing with an inquisitive 2 year old!) So then Ainsley said, "Hey, hey! What's that?" And Leigh just said, "You're silly!" And Ainsley said, "No, not silly...that your boobie!" I totally expected this, but I guess they staff was all really surprised that Ainsley knew what a boobie was! :)

* She thinks Daddy's chest hair is gross and says, "Ooo, yuckie! Put shirt on, Daddy!" if she sees him without a shirt on. Needless to say, he's very self-conscious around her now and makes sure he always has a shirt on! :)

* Tonight we heard Ainsley through the monitor praying in her room all by herself. She was thanking Jesus for all her family and friends (by name) and then had her bunny thank Jesus for Momma Bunny, Daddy Bunny, Ainsley Bunny, etc.

* She has a little wooden crib in her room and every night she puts one of her babies (or Barbies) in it, covers them up with a blanket, says a prayer with them, and kisses them on their forhead! Too cute!

* We play a lot of made-up games around our house. Today we played one where she would put hair clips in our hair (Clint too), put us "night-night", then wake us up and tell us what color of clips we had in our hair! Then she'd re-sort them (sometimes by size, sometimes by color) and start all over. I'm sure this would have gone on for an hour, but it was not much fun on the receiving end!

* Ainsley thinks all ladies with glasses are called "Grandma". One night after choir she was in the worship center with me and we walked past Gilda Stanbery, our worship minister's mom, when Ainsely said, "Jesse's grandma!" Jesse is Ainsley's 2-year-old friend and yes, Gilda is her grandma. Well, I guess she was proud of herself because she started running up to all of the women with glasses saying, "Look! Another grandma...another grandma...another grandma!" Most of them were grandmas, but I was embarrassed on a couple of the runs before I ushered her out of the worship center! Then at Hobby Lobby yesterday she walked up to the lady in the fabric department and said, "Hi grandma, how you doin?" Luckily, she was a grandma too and didn't mind.

* On a similar note, we walked past a lady at Wal-Mart one day that was on the heavy side and, for story's sake, had an up-turned nose. We were only a foot or so past her when Ainsley said, "A piggy! Oink, oink!" and pointed right at her! (It wasn't too loud, but I heard it very clearly) Ugh! TOTAL embarrassment! I sped up and skipped 2 aisles to make sure we didn't see her again! But later on the peanut butter aisle, the lady stopped me and thought it was so cute that Ainsley had called her "Nanny" because that's what her own grandkids called her. I was SO relived that she didn't hear what Ainsley had really said that I just laughed and went on. That could have been a bad one!

* Ainsley loves to talk on the phone, but just doesn't quite understand how the phone works yet. Yesterday she told Daddy she was drinking juice and said she was going to share. Then she put the phone up to her straw and said, "Drink it!" She also took Mimi "jumping" on the trampoline by bouncing the phone up and down on it a few days ago. Then yesterday we were talking to baby cousin Hailey and Ainsley held the phone down like a baby, rocked it, and said, "I wuv you baby Hailey!" Thank you to my patient family for acting like crazy people and obliging! :)

There are SO many more stories, but I'm way past the hour in which my brain functions normally!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i love the pig story haha