Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sesame Street Live!

I'm SO excited! I just purchased Sesame Street Live tickets! Ainsley is going to love it! We wanted to take her to some sort of show before the baby was born, but there weren't any good options. Doodlebops was in OKC in January, but I waited too long to get tickets and they were too expensive. Then Diego was going to be in Tulsa (who Ainsley LOVES), but after watching the preview for the show, I don't think Ainsley would like it much. "Diego" is just some guy with a rescue pack on. He doesn't have a big foamy Diego-head costume, so I don't think Ainsley would recognize that he's playing the part of Diego. So, our last option was Sesame Street, but it was in OKC in late March and I thought that was too far to travel so close to my due date. I was VERY swollen with Ainsley in my last month and traveling to Oklahoma was miserable! So, to make my long story short, Sesame Street opened up a show in Tulsa the last weekend in March. And to make matters even better, they have a Saturday morning show! It's at 10:30am...plenty of time to go to the show, get lunch, and nap in the car on the way back! PLUS I ordered the tickets directly from the Mabee Center for only $16 each....ground floor....row 14! Yeah!

We had some friends come by yesterday to dig through some of Ainsley's baby clothes and check out the nursery. Baby Avery came too...she's 3 months old. Ainsley absolutely adored her! She had a Soothie pacifier and Ainsley kept asking to put her finger in the hole! Ha! She'd try to dress her (she put several pairs of shoes on her) and put headbands and bows in her hair. You should have seen the look on her face when I asked her if she wanted to hold the baby! Talk about a happy girl! She was SO good too....supported her head, patted her back, etc. Her friend Peyton was here to play during that time too, but Ainsley hardly played with him at all. Even while we were walking around the house, Ainsley just sat next to the baby in the living room the whole time. Silly little momma!

Well, I have a "client" coming over for a haircut so I better stop bragging now! :)

1 comment:

Traci Fritz said...

We had the same idea about doing something with Ava...we ended up getting tickets to see the Backyardigans live. I am sure Ainsley will love the show!