Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some random stories

Ainsley got a balloon at the train show over the weekend, but decided to bite it (yes BITE it) yesterday. So, once it deflated she had to find a new use for it. She started filling it up with Benji's food and then feeding him from it...piece by piece. She did this all morning so as soon as she sat it down I quickly chunked it. Only I put it in the toy room trash (a small wastebasket in the closet) rather than the kitchen trash. My mistake. So, this morning she's playing in the toy room when I hear, "No, no, no, Momma!" and she comes running into the kitchen with the balloon in her hand. "Don't throw-a my bloon in trash, ok? That is NOT nice! You say, 'I sorry, Ainsley!'" Me-"I'm sorry Ainsley." Ainsley-"Good girl. You be nice now, ok? Or you get spakin!" (Oh, and the next conversation always goes... "Ainsley, who's the boss?" "Oh, I sorry Momma.") Ha! Sweet baby girl!

Last night Clint came home and ate with us, then left for choir rehearsal. As you know, Ainsley likes to say that Daddy goes to church to 'sing for Jesus'. So, I found her in the toy room playing "church" with her barbie dolls. She had her foam puzzle pieces set up like chairs and a whole little family (Ken, Barbie, and Dora) sitting in "church". I wish I would have thought to get a picture. When I walked in, she was standing in front of them holding a domino as a microphone and singing "I have da doy, doy, doy, doy down in ma hawt...whewe?" When she noticed I was watching, she handed me a microphone and instructed me to stand behind her and clap my hands. I think I was the praise team! Ha!

Today Ainsley told me that Daddy goes to work with Jesus. She said he works in 'da heaben' and says "Hi Jesus! Good morning, Jesus! How are you?" (And she's sticking her hand out like she's shaking someone's hand as she's saying this) Ha! Oh, also, on Sunday she was sitting in big church with me when Josh, our worship minister, walked up to start the worship time and Ainsley said, "Look Momma! It's God!"

Her favorite thing to do lately is be "Miss Cherrie", her dance instructor. She likes to stand in front of us and tell us to put our toes on the red line. Then she tells us everything to do. If we don't do it exactly, she gets upset too. Like tonight I was supposed to have my arms straight out and I guess they were droopy, because she lifted them up and said, "Airplane arms, Momma!"

Lunch: "Momma, I want pizza!"
"No, we're having noodles, remember?"
"Oh, noodles....for me?"
"Yes, for you!"
"Oh, thank you! I love noodles! They're SOOOOOO yummy!"
After eating: "I love noodles. I love pizza too! I love pizza later?"

1 comment:

Rachel said...

haha I'm sure Josh would be happy to know that hahahaha I was literally cracking up haha