Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Another trip to OK

My mom and dad were in Tulsa last week for a convention. Since Clint was also gone on a praise team retreat, Ainsley and I decided to go do some shopping in Tulsa on Thursday. We found some GREAT deals on clothes! And since my little angel seems to be trying to break some kind of 2-year-old height record, clothes were much needed! After shopping, my mom rode back to Ada with us and we (of course) went swimming and had a picnic by the pool!

My mom had to work on Friday, so we decided to go surprise Ainsley's aunt (Clint's sister) who she calls "Nawnaw" at her office. As we were getting ready that morning I noticed that Ainsley seemed a little warm, but nothing registered when I took her temp. We went on up to Laura's office anyway and left there about 10:45am to go surprise my mom at her office too! But, on the way, Ainsley started falling asleep in the car. At this point, I knew she was getting sick. We were almost there, though, so I called my mom and said we'd only come in for about 10 minutes or so and let Ainsley meet some of the teachers. She did great and I was even able to keep her awake on the way back to my parent's house, but not for long! She had a quick snack and took a 3.5 hour nap. (Which gave me a chance to nap too!)

Since my child gets sick every other week, I always travel with medicine, so I began alternating Tylenol and Motrin. This did pretty good until I got on the last turnpike on the way home. I just couldn't pull over to give her the medicine like I had been at the beginning of the trip, so her fever spiked again. It was 104 when we got home that evening so we left immediately for WellQuest. She had a really bad ear infection and I felt so bad for blowing it off the last two days. (I had thought it was maybe just teething) You wouldn't know she didn't feel well, though. Here's a picture of her taking a picture of the turtle at Mimi and Bapa's house before we left that morning....

Ainsley had to take a picture of the turtle too!
Originally uploaded by Clint & Mandy

So, her fever continued all day Sunday and broke Monday morning. Luckily I had a chance to go to Wal-Mart on Monday because she woke up Tuesday morning with a stomach bug! We literally laid on the bed ALL day and just lined it with towels. I lost track of how many times she threw up somewhere mid-morning. But, knock on wood, she just woke up and seems to be fine this morning!

So, I've had some eventful few days! I have to brag, though, on how well Ainsley has been doing lately! We took the paci away several weeks ago and she hasn't been sleeping very soundly since then. Plus, she stands up and cries for quite a while after we put her to bed. BUT the last couple of days she's taken good naps (at least 2 hours) and slept about 11 hours at night! It may be the medicine she's on, but even if it only lasts another week I'll be happy! I just need her to stop fighting it so we can go to a big girl bed soon!

Lastly, Mom's Day Out starts back this week and I'm SO excited! Ainsley will be in the toddler room this year and she's even eating in the cafeteria. I think she'll have so much more fun this year and her teacher from last year (Ms Christy) has moved to the toddler room! I've already made a hair appointment to pamper myself a little on this day! I think after laying in vomit all day yesterday, I deserve it! :)

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