Monday, August 27, 2007

Not Again!!!

Yes, Ainsley is sick....again! She was doing fine this morning; just happily playing with her toys. I had no reason to suspect anything until right before lunch. I thought she might feel a little warm, but nothing registered. Then I took it again before her nap and it was 103.4 - under her arm! We went to the doctor this afternoon and she has another ear infection. This is the 3rd since mid-July. I'm just so discouraged! Why my child? The one who's favorite food is broccoli and chicken, drinks more milk than any kid I know, takes vitamins, Pediasure, etc.? She's sick every other week and it's so draining! I asked the doctor today about her immune system and why she gets such a high fever with any little bug or infection. I was ready to check her white blood cell count today, but she just told me (again) that I had nothing to worry about. Nothing? She has a fever over 103 every 2 weeks and I shouldn't worry? When she started talking about tubes, though, I did stand my ground and insist that we get her allergies under control first. The Claritin doesn't seem to be working anymore (nor does the honey) so I have her on Zyrtec now. Maybe if we can get her allergies under control the ear infections will disappear and maybe give her immune system a little boost? One can only hope!

Ok, now that I got that out of my system, we had a good time with "Mimi" and "Bapa" this weekend. They stayed at my sister's house the first night and came over here about 5:00pm on Saturday evening. Clint was mowing when they got here so we went to Sonic and picked up some burgers and ice cream. When we got back, Clint told us there was a huge turtle in the backyard. Thinking that we had a cute, little turtle I said, "Let's go look at it!" Ok, we do have 2 ponds close to our home, but each is across the street. PLUS our yard is fenced in AND Clint had just finished mowing. So, I'm already wondering how a turtle made it into our yard, but never in a million years would I have expected the huge dinosaur I was greeted by in our back yard!
Oh, and did I mention that my dad is crazy? This is a little leaf in his hand. This was a massive snapping turtle that almost bit his hand off....4 times! You should have seen the tail on this thing! Now, if this doesn't prove that evolution doesn't exist, I don't know what does. This animal was definitely prehistoric....look at the horns on its tail! Anyway, it was very aggressive so Clint and my dad had to scoop it into the garden cart and dump it into the empty lot across the street. We're hoping it will make it back to the pond behind Seth and Kelsy's house. (Sorry, guys!)

On a completely different note, Clint loved the Lincoln Logs that I bought at the garage sale so much that he took Ainsley to Wal-Mart Saturday morning and bought another set. He said one set wasn't enough to build anything really cool, so he had to get some more! (He paid 10 times as much, though!) They have been building forts together every night. Ainsley loves it SO much when they're finished and she gets to "Ready, go!" and knock it over. :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

We will be praying for Ainsley. Poor thing! I'm so glad you are updating the blog.