Saturday, March 22, 2008

Beauty Shop Ainsley!

Clint and Ainsley had been playing back in her room for quite a while this morning...and being very quiet too. I had no idea what they were doing since there aren't hardly any toys in her bedroom, but I figured they were just reading or something. I soon figured it out when Ainsley came running out and said, "I ready for church, Momma!" Here's what she looked like:

Apparently, they had been playing "beauty shop." Ha! It was TOO cute! After Christmas I bought her this little set with a hairdryer, lipstick, perfumes, shadow, curling iron, etc. (all plastic, of course) for $3 in the clearance toys at Wal-Mart. I gave her an old makeup box of mine and put all of her costume jewelry in there too. Daddy had shown her how to set it all out on her step stool and turn it into a shop. She was SO excited to show me what she had been doing! Then I heard, "Daddy's tuwn!"

Eye Shadow...
Clint was tired of getting his nails done so he volunteered the baby...
And some lipstick...
It was pretty funny! Clint is the best patient when he's playing beauty shop, Barbie dolls, school, etc. She gets a lot of her imagination from him!