Wednesday, March 12, 2008

An Early Easter (And Playing with Kyla)

Our Toddler Toes group had an Easter egg hunt at the park today. We were supposed to have it last week, but it ended up snowing the day before. I'm so glad we waited because it was 65 degrees today! Each child was asked to bring 10 plastic eggs filled with something. I bought Ainsley some Starbursts in Easter colors, but that turned out to be such a headache. She had to color-coordinate each egg with a matching candy. It was fine until she reached the purple eggs and realized I didn't have any purple candy for her. Meltdown! :) Oh, and another trait I wish she didn't get from me....check out the tongue!
At some point, she decided it would be easier if she sorted the candy and lined it up by color. Again with the tongue! She was beside herself with excitement at this time...Easter egg hunt AND playdate with Kyla!
Kyla's mom has her C-section tomorrow so her pre-op appointment/work was this morning. She brought Kyla over for the morning so the girls could play and go to the egg hunt together while she was at the hospital. They had SO much fun! I told Becca so many times about how good they were, but I really was amazed. They didn't have a single fight, argument, even disagreement on any level. They shared their toys, said please/thank you/your welcome to each other, etc. They were just so good and super cute in their little 2 year old conversations. (You know, about who should be the big doggy and who should be the little doggy, whether it's better to have jelly on your sandwich or just peanut butter, etc.) They started the morning off with every little girl's favorite activity....a tea party picnic!
Then a little activity to work all the extra pounds off from the plastic food...
This was during the role-playing phase where Kyla was the mommy doggy and Ainsley was the baby doggy. The doghouse was the slide and the baby bed was the 4 inches under the trampoline. :) Ainsley was pretending to be sleeping like a baby...

The car ride was the funniest part. I was cracking up at them talking about how interesting their books were and telling each other all about them. It was so cute and I kept laughing! (They each have a Dora book. I'm so glad we had 2!)
Walking down to the egg hunt...they were just giddy!
The girls...Sadie, Kyla, Ainsley, and Zoie.
Ready, set, go!
Kyla's first egg. I had to convince her it really was ok to keep it!
Ainsley really got into the hunt! She was crawling under the tables and everything!
And Kyla finally started getting a little more aggressive. By the end, I was having the girls put eggs BACK because none of the younger kids could get to them fast enough! :) (They pretended like they were the "mommies" and they were hiding the eggs for the babies)
I have no pictures of their faces. They were so fast I never could get in front of them! This is Ainsley, Zoie, and Kyla. They stayed together the whole time.
Showing off her egg supply!
This picture totally cracks me up! Doesn't Will look like he's mackin' on Ainsley? :) He looks so grown up here!
Checking out the prizes...
Building a sand castle. Their shoes were full of sand, but (being the little girls they are) they were surprisingly fairly clean!
After the hunt a few of the kids played chase. It was really such a wonderful day to be at the park.
Eating lunch. I don't know what happened to this picture. I was doing red-eye touch-ups and somehow turned ALL the red to black. (Including the napkins and apples on the table....I even think the jelly on Ainsley's face is black!)
The day ended with the girls playing tricycles in the driveway and riding the horsey.
They had so much fun! Kyla's baby brother will be here tomorrow morning, so we plan to go see him in the hospital at some point. I'm hoping I can get Ainsley used to the idea of Mommy being in the hospital so she won't freak out when she sees my IV and stuff. And since the girls like to talk to each other about their baby brothers, I know Ainsley will love to see baby Nathan and I'm sure Kyla will be very proud to show him off!

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