Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

My sister, brother-in-law, and niece had planned to come over Saturday afternoon to let the girls have an egg hunt while the weather was still warm. We didn't want to wait until Sunday because it was supposed to be so cold. Here's Ainsley (and Daddy) decorating her eggs. You know it just can't be done without the tongue!

It was so hard to wait for the dye! She kept asking, "Now? Now?"

Having a tea party with cousin Hailey! My parents called while we were doing the eggs and said they were on their way to Arkansas too! They got here just in time for the egg hunt!
Ready, set, go! Hailey fell over about 5 times before I got this shot! :)

Little Easter girls

Easter morning...checking out what the Easter Bunny brought!
We had a very good Easter and I'm SO glad we celebrated the outside stuff on Saturday. It was 30 degrees on Sunday morning and very windy too. There weren't many Spring colors at church on Sunday. After the egg hunt, my sister also surprised me with homemade cheesecake (my brother-in-law is a great cook!) and a homemade berry topping for my baby shower. We all ate dessert and I opened my present from her. It was a lot of fun. Then (after dessert) we went to the Hiwasse Hilton for burgers....the best burgers around, and probably cheapest too!

I am SO sad to say that I have no pictures from Sunday morning. We were all 3 in our Easter outfits. It was the first time in a couple of years that Clint and I have gone to church together in the same car and sat together the entire time. It was my Easter present. :) He'll be back in the choir next week, but it was nice to have a week off. After church we went to lunch with my parents and my sister's family at Olive Garden. There was a crazy long wait and then we waited forever on our food. By the time we left it was 1:30pm and Ainsley fell asleep in the car. So, she took a nap in her Easter dress (another 3 hour nap) and we didn't really want to stay dressed up that long. Clint promised that we could all dress up again and take some pictures soon, though!

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