Monday, March 31, 2008

Sesame Street Live 2008

Saturday I took my last official "trip" before the baby is born. I bought tickets a few weeks ago, so we drove to Tulsa to take Ainsley to "Sesame Street Live 2008 - When Elmo Grows Up". We all had a blast! Ainsley was SO cute! She kept telling us that she was going to "Elmo's house." All I told her was that we were going to see Elmo, but I guess she thought that meant we'd go to his house. She even told me that she was going to see Elmo's Mommy and Daddy too. We got there in just enough time to take a potty break and find our seats when Big Bird's voice came over the speakers to count us down. Every kid in that entire place gasped when they heard his voice! :) I was trying to get her to pose with me here, but she kept telling me that she heard Big Bird! And the show begins! Ainsley was so overwhelmed. She just stared...we couldn't get a single smile or reaction out of her. The songs were really loud and it was pretty fast paced, so maybe that was it. She's always been the type to just sit back and take it all in, but I was starting to get worried that she wasn't having fun. That is, until Clint pointed out that every toddler around us had the same look on their face. I think they were all just in awe!
There were several different sets and they were all very impressive. The costumes were excellent too...much better than I remember them being when I was little.
Still in awe, I guess... She stayed like this all the way through the first half of the show. Then at intermission, Clint took her out to buy a t-shirt (which she LOVES) and she came back SO excited to see Elmo again.
The entire second half of the show, she danced and sang with all the characters. She even got off of my lap (thank goodness because I don't have much of a lap these days!) and stood in front of us. I bet she turned around 10 times just to tell me "Momma, I see Zoe!" and then give me a big hug! The lady next to me told me that she was very sweet. :)
We really had a great time and we'll definitely go back if they come again sometime. Just, preferably, not while I'm 9 months pregnant! It was not a fun drive. We got home at 3:55pm, went to the bathroom, and left at 4:00pm for a birthday party for one of Ainsley's best little friends. We didn't get home until after 6:00pm that night (and left at 8:00am) so I was BEAT! I think all I did the rest of the night was complain about how much pain I was in. :) Hey, I deserve to now and then!

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