Sunday, January 6, 2008

Just us girls!

Well, Clint left on Friday before Ainsley got home from "school" and so far the time is passing pretty quickly! Saturday morning we went over to my sister's house to hang out for a while and let the girls play. Ainsley adores her little cousin and had SO much fun! I bet she hugged Hailey 2o times while we were there!

After a really good nap, we met Ainsley's friend Michael and his mom at the park. It was 69 degrees in Centerton! We didn't stay too long, though, because it was really windy. I didn't get any great photos because I couldn't keep my hair out of the shot, but here's a few nonetheless...

Ainsley told me she was "shopping for apples" here! :)

After the park we went to Wal-Mart to get some good girly food while Daddy's gone. I needed things that I can heat up and not have to cook huge meals just for the 2 of us. I also got some shelving for "baby brother's" closet so I can start sorting and organizing! I had 2 awful experiences at Wal-Mart with rude people that don't respect pregnant women. The first time I was trying to load one of the boxes of shelves (which wasn't light) into my cart and keep Ainsley sitting down without her falling all at the same time when this guy came up behind me and said, "Excuse me?" First thought - how nice! Someone is coming to help me load these into my cart! Nope, he wanted me to sit the heavy box down while balancing it with one hand and move the cart full of the 30 pound toddler (29 lbs 14 oz with shoes on....we're almost there!) with the other hand! You tell me why he didn't go out the other end of the EMPTY aisle? Ugh! (BTW - he was about my age with a 3 or 4 year old daughter...should know better!)

Then this young punky cashier just sat there and watched me fight the toddler and try to load all of my bags in the cart all while he stood holding my receipt and waiting for me to finish. That was it! I haven't been feeling well the last week (normal pregnancy stuff, braxton hicks, sore all over, etc.) and have NO energy at all so I just snapped! I looked right at him as I was making Ainsley sit for the 4th time, out of breath, and said, "I'd really appreciate it if you could help me load the rest of these bags!" Response - "Oh, ok." It's not like I'm not visibly pregnant or anything! Do these people have ANY idea what it feels like to be pregnant at the end of a busy day with a stubborn toddler?!!!!

Anyway, I was glad to get home and receive a call from Clint saying he was in his hotel room in Shenzen! It definitely made my day! Ainsley actually was really good for me most of the time. Plus, she was in big girl panties ALL DAY LONG! This is a huge milestone considering how busy and active we were all day. It's the first time I've ever put her in panties on a busy day like that, but she did excellent!

Speaking of, she insisted on wearing her Tinkerbell panties to church today also. I was really nervous as we often have accidents at church (long story there...) but she also did fabulous at church! I'm so proud of how good she has been! Anyway, she looked so cute so I tried to snap a good picture of her in her cute little dress. Ha! She was way too excited to be outside. This is the best I did....

Ainsley has been the BEST sleeper so far. I've been praying really hard about this because she didn't sleep well at all the last China trip and God has definitely blessed us! She's been sleeping about 12 hours at night and going straight to sleep without singing or talking! Then she's been napping about 3 hours each day! Also easily laying down like a big girl! Today I put her down at 1:00pm and heard her snoring about 1:15pm. My friend Casey came over to sew some pillows and keep me company during naptime. (Thanks Casey!) It felt like a lot of time had gone by so I looked at the clock and it was already 4:15pm and I could still hear snoring! When we went to wake her up she was still in a DEEP sleep! So I had no idea how bedtime would go, but she was asleep by 8:45pm tonight! I just can't stop using exclamation points!!!!

Clint called again this afternoon, it was his Monday morning and he was getting ready to go to work. Ainsley was so cute on the phone! "You in China, Daddy? You work? Have fun in China? I love you, Daddy!" She loves to go outside and watch the airplanes because she thinks Daddy is in them. Too cute! She also runs to the garage every time she hears a loud truck go by the house...she's convinced it's the Bronco. Hopefully I'll keep her busy enough next week that she won't miss him too much...

1 comment:

Cole Family said...

We were at the same park on the same day...surprised I didn't see you there! If you go again, call me!