Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sick Baby

Thank goodness my husband loves me and enjoys spending quality time with Ainsley or I would be pulling my hair out by now from lack of social contact! I took Ainsley to the doctor on Friday (which means we missed MDO) after her fever reached 104 Thursday night. The doctor suspects that she probably got a virus going around (symptoms are fever and runny nose) and then developed an ear infection from all of the drainage. I figured that was probably it after her fever spiked up Thursday night. Anytime she gets a fever over 104 it's always been either an ear infection or a urinary tract infection, and she seemed to be pottying just fine. Mother's really should be able to diagnose our own kids, ya know? :)

Anyway, she's been on antibiotics and doing much better now, but her fever didn't break until Saturday. Then she still had a mild fever when she woke up on Sunday so I stayed home while Clint went to church and he let me go to church that evening while he stayed home. Since then she has been SO cranky and clingy....like way more than normal. I'm not sure if she still doesn't feel good or if she just got so much attention by whining while she was sick that now she's discovered a hidden secret! (Pout and Momma will hold you) She keeps going around saying, "I need big hug!" and just wants to lay with us. Who knows, but it sure is getting annoying!

I was a little disappointed that Ainsley hadn't been playing with her kitchen as much as I had hoped, so I decided to move her little table into the toy room while she was sick to see if that made a difference. She hasn't stopped playing with it since then! She gets ALL of her babies set up around the table (and they each have to have their own chair) and cooks them each exactly what they ask for. It's so funny! She even feeds the baby (which is whoever happens to be sitting in the highchair at the time) baby food. I even noticed that she uses the spoon to clean the extra food mess off of the babies mouth....just like Mommies do when we're feeding baby food! I'm not sure where she's seen this done, but I'm guessing it's from watching her cousin eat a couple of months ago.

Friday night was girl's night out and since I had been couped up in the house since Tuesday, AND missed my MDO day, Clint was more than willing to let me leave a couple of hours early to shop with friends before we went to eat. I even replaced my black pants with some cuff-less, shorter ones that hopefully won't be so hazardous! Here's a current belly shot at 27 weeks...a little hard to tell with the crazy shirt...
On a totally different subject, Ainsley has been saying a few things lately that just crack us up! For example, she knows that we both sing in the choir so when Clint left for choir rehearsal Wednesday night she asked where he was going. He said, "I'm going to church to practice singing." And she said, "Ok, have fun singing for Jesus!" So now every time we say we're going to church she says, "You sing for Jesus? Ainsley play playground!" Ha! She also told me yesterday that my name was Mandy and Daddy's name was Sweetie! She's very set on this too!

She has also been making up her own prayers at dinner time instead of our standard, "Thank you Jesus for our food. Amen." She'll thank Jesus for anything and everything but food! And the funniest part is that she always ends by thanking Him for "Uncle Gawy (Gary)!" Last night she was saying her prayers before bedtime where she usually thanks Jesus for all of her friends, but instead said, "Thank you Jesus for God in heaven! Amen!" You think she'd understand the Trinity yet? Ha!

Well, I have a million projects to finish and get cleaned up this week before our company comes. Clint's parents and his sister are all coming this weekend. It's been a long time since we've had company for the entire weekend. Usually my parents spend half of the time at my sister's house. Even if they sleep here both nights, their time is still split somewhat. So, I have to figure out how I'm going to feed 6 people from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon! I get stressed out just thinking about it!

Lastly, Ainsley has her first dance performance tonight! Her class is doing their "teddy bear" dance at the health fair at the elementary school here. I totally expect her to either cry and run off the stage or just stand and stare at everyone. I'll keep you all updated on that one! :) Gotta go paint!

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